Police Stations in Ambala

The Police Department of Ambala has been working with utmost dedication and sincerity since many years for the service of the common citizens. If you are residing n the city or you are planning to visit Ambala, it is very important that you know the addresses and contact numbers of all the police stations and police help lines in the city. This will help you in case of any emergency.

Police Stations in Ambala

List of Police Stations and Helpline Nos. in Ambala

For your convenience, we here provided below complete details about the police stations in the city of Haryana along with their addresses and other contact details.:

DCP Ambala

Phone: 0171 255 3520, 255 0060, 255 1010, 200 8000, 97 29 99 0001
Email address: [email protected]

ACP Ambala, Headquarters
Phone: 97 29 99 0102
Email address: [email protected]

ACP Ambala City
Phone: 98 96 29 4205

ACP Ambala Cantt
Phone: 0171 264 1188, 97 29 99 0103
Email address: [email protected]

ACP Traffic, Ambala  
Phone: 94 16 27 5492

Women Helpline, Ambala
Phone: 97 29 99 0177

PCR Women Helpline
Phone: 97 29 99 0155

Police Station Ambala City
Phone: 0171 244 2006, 97 29 99 0120
Email address: [email protected]

Police Post No. 1, Ambala City
Phone: 0171 251 8002, 97 29 99 0134

Police Post No. 2, Ambala City
Phone: 0171 251 0212, 97 29 99 0135

Police Post No. 3, Ambala City
Phone: 0171 244 2050, 97 29 99 0136

Police Post No. 4, Ambala City

Phone: 0171 244 2021, 97 29 99 0137

Police Post No. 5, Ambala City
Phone: 0171 253 1109, 97 29 99 0138

Police Post Civil Hospital

Phone: 97 29 99 0138

Police Station Ambala Sadar
Phone: 0171 253 1414, 97 29 99 0139
Email address:  [email protected]

Police Post Sector 9 – A/City
Phone: 0171 253 1414, 97 29 99 0140

Police station Baldev Nagar
Phone: 0171 255 6057, 97 29 99 0122
Email address: [email protected]

PP Model Town
Phone: 0171 252 0204, 97 29 99 0142

PP Baldev Nagar
Phone: 0171 254 1010, 97 29 99 0141

PP Sector-7 U/E A/ City

Phone: 0171 255 2027, 97 29 99 0143

PP Jail Land
Phone: 97 29 99 0144

Police Station Ambala Cantt

Phone: 0171 261 8045, 97 29 99 0125
Email address: [email protected]

PP HBC Ambala Cantt

Phone: 0171 265 4040, 97 29 99 0147

PP Regiment Bazar
Phone: 0171 263 0112, 97 29 99 0146

PP Topkhana
Phone: 0171 263 1050, 97 29 99 0148

Police Station Parao
Phone: 0171 261 0048, 97 29 99 0126
Email address: [email protected]

Police Station Naggal
Phone: 0171 285 5122, 97 29 99 0123
Email address: [email protected]

Police Station Panjokhra

Phone: 0171 267 8011, 97 29 99 0131
Email address:  [email protected]

Police Station Mahesh Nagar
Phone: 0171 266 1099, 97 29 99 0127
Email address: [email protected]

Police Station Traffic Mohra
Phone: 0171 287 0050, 97 29 99 0124
Email address: [email protected]

Police Station Naraingarh
Phone: 01734 284 057, 284 106, 97 29 99 0104
Email address: [email protected]

It is very important that you keep all these numbers with you as you never know when you or someone around you need it.
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